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Release Note


This information is about bug or new function, and supplied for promoting user integration

V3.4.2 - 2024 May

Bug Fix

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Release No Target Contents
2034211 Management For DGW-W710(Ver.3.4.0), fixed the issue where time zone setting did not function


V3.4.1 - 2024 April

Bug Fix

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Release No Target Contents
2034111 IoT Interface For DGW-D20/DGW-D20B/DGW-D20H(Ver.3.4.0), fixed the issue where HTTPS and FTPS communication were not working.
2034112 Data Source For DGW-R40, fixed the issue where data sources using RS232C and RS485 and with digital inputs (DIN) on IO ports were not functioning properly.
2034113 Management For DGW-R40, fixed the issue that prevented importing of settings when no SD card was installed.


V3.4.0 - 2024 March

New Function

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Release No Target Contents
2034001 Data Source Added Serial Communication function for Panasonic FP Series PLCs.
2034002 Management Introduced ability to delete Administrator Users.
2034003 IoT Interface Added FTP Client (Active Mode) as a firewall choice.
2034004 ALL Released DGW-R40, a new hardware model supporting LTE, Digital I/O and Analog input.
2034005 Data Source For data source IO, tag setting added, and value engineering value conversion and various alarms made available.

Improved Function

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Release No Target Contents
2034021 ALL Changed container file names for DGW-D20, DGW-D20H, and DGW-D20B. Changed the display name of supported architectures from x86_64 to amd64 and from armhf to armv7. Also, version information has been removed.


Bug Fix

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Release No Target Contents
2034011 Event For Ver 3.3.0, fixed the issue where setting Format macro to decimal or hexidecimal resulted in an error.
2034012 Management Fixed the issue when linking to Kintone or Email host, where configuration import resulted in an error.
2034013 Management Fixed the issue for DGW-W710, where DNS setting did not function.
2034014 ALL Support for SQLite vulnerability (CVE-2023-7104) .


V3.3.0 - 2023 October

New Function

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Release No Target Contents
2033001 Data Source

Support for Rockwell MicroLogix/SLC500 Series PLCs.

2033002 Data Source

Support for Rockwell Micro800 Series PLCs.

2033003 Data Source

Support OMRON K7DD motor monitoring equipment.

2033004 Data Source

For IEC61850 MMS, support Group generation per DataSet when importing tags.

2033005 Data Source

For IEC61850 MMS, support DataAttribute for Timestamp type / binary-time type.

2033006 Data Source

For IEC61850 MMS, support for group generation by DataSet when importing tags from a CID file.

2033007 IoT Interface

Added Mail (SMTP) Client and Mail sending events.

Improved Function

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Release No Target Contents
2033021 Data Source

For IEC61850 MMS, changed the specification to write GI after writing to RptEna of DataAttribute successfully when read method is "UnconfirmedService".

2033022 Data Source

For IEC61850 MMS, changed the specification so that enable/disable of the Test for Control writing parameter can be set in System Tag.

2033033 Data Source

For IEC61850 MMS, support for acquisition of error information included in the asynchronous message returned when writing to Control (CO) failure to system tag.

Bug Fix

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Release No Target Contents
2033041 Data Source

For IEC61850, fixed the issue that the value of some tags are not updated when read method is "UnconfirmedService".

2033042 Data Source

For IEC61850 MMS, fixed the issue that some tags are not generated when importing tags from a Device.

2033043 Data Source

For MODBUS Ethernet and MODBUS Serial, fixed the issue where operation became unstable during a communication error.

2033044 IoT Interface

FTP Client with Buffering and Directory creation activated, fixed the issue where the file failed to send after Buffering.


V3.2.1 - 2023 May

Bug Fix

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Release No Target Contents
2032051 ALL Responded to the vulnerability of OpenSSL (CVE-2023-0286).
2032052 Event Fixed the issue that communication functions to stop when using macros in CSV and JSON definitions in the "Write Value" and "Update Value" actions.
2032053 Data Source Fixed the issue that prevented selecting IEC61850 MMS server. (Target version : V3.2.0)


V3.2.0 - 2023 March

New Function

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Release No Target Contents
2032001 Lineup Released software versions "DGW-D20H" and "DGW-D20B".
2032002 Data Source Supported communication with DNP3 outstation unit via Ethernet.
2032003 Data Source Supported communication with MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC ENGINEERING SineWave AE Sensor in Modbus Ethernet connection.
2032004 Data Source Supported communication with Temperature transmitter ifm electronic TD2807 series in Modbus Ethernet connection.
2032005 Data Source Supported communication with MURATA SineWave Conductivity Sensor SLT5009 in Modbus Serial connection.
2032006 Data Source Supported communication with RICOH EH Environment Sensor D201/D202 in Bluetooth beacon receiver.
2032007 Event Added Pre Recorder trigger, that runs and outputs data before and after the detected data to a file when an alarm is detected for a tag in a specified area.
2032008 Event Added Previous Value, Quality and Previous Quality for output data in Changed Value trigger.
2032009 Event Added Previous Quality for output data in Area Changed Value trigger.
2032010 Event Added Continue even if failed setting and Return value of the Result in FTP Upload and Send HTTP.
2032011 Event Added Changed value(Multiple tags) trigger that runs when the value of tag is changed and it enables condition determination. Multiple tags can be specified.
2032012 ALL Added Protection against system failure by power loss in DGW-W710.

Improved Function

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Release No Target Contents
2032021 Data Source Improved communication performance with S7-1500 series.
2032022 Data Source Improved the performance of AB Ethernet.
2032023 IoT Interface Changed the specification to include Timestamp in the read response from OPC UA clients even if the quality flag of the tag is not GOOD.
2032024 IoT Interface Changed the initial value of IP Address to implement into a Server when setting OPC UA Server.

Bug Fix

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Release No Target Contents
2032041 ALL Fixed the issue that the unit may fail to start up.(target model: DGW-W710, Target version : V3.1.0 or earlier)
2032042 ALL Fixed the issue that a serial port is not recognized. (Target model: DGW-W710, Target version :V3.1.0 or earlier. For the Serial number 700500046 or earlier products are required to replace IC)
2032043 ALL Fixed the issue that it cannot access the setting web site under the Reverse Proxy.
2032044 Data Source Fixed the issue that the value cannot be obtained correctly when a bool type device is specified as an array in FA-M3 Ethernet.
2032045 Data Source Fixed the issue that the value cannot be obtained correctly when a bool type device is specified as an array in FA-M3 Ethernet.
2032046 Data Source Fixed the issue that the IB, IW, and MB devices could not be addressed by address and bit position in MP Ethernet.
2032047 IoT Interface Fixed the issue that CPU usage increased when using Water Standard PF


V3.1.0 - 2022 March

New Function

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Release No Target Contents
2031001 Data Source Support communication with digital measuring tool which uses wireless Mitutoyo U-WAVE transmitter.
2031002 Data Source Support communication with CORE Odor sensor "Cagou-B" with Beacon Receiever connection.
2031003 Data Source Support communication with IEC61850 MMS Server.
2031004 Management Support HTTPS connection to Web UI.
2031005 IoT Interface Added the protocol convertor function for the MITSUBISHI iQ-Monozukuri Tool Wear Diagnosis for Machine Tools.

Improved Function

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Release No Target Contents
2031011 Event Added the setting "Continue even if failed" that processing can be continued without terminating the event abnormally when it fails in the "Refresh" and "Write Value" action.
2031012 Event Changed the specification to output the Warning log as Success instead of Failed when the file did not exist when deleting the file.
2031013 IoT Interface Added the setting item "Use UUID in client ID" so that the client ID can be specified as UUID in the MQTT communication.
2031014 IoT Interface Added the TLS encrypted communication(FTPS) in the FTP Client communcation.

Bug Fix

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Release No Target Contents
2031021 Event Fixed the issue that if the loop is canceled at second lap, the Loop Action raises error at the end of first lap when next trigger is executed.
2031022 Event Fixed the issue that the header may not be inserted when the Delete File or Move File action is used together in another event in the Write File action.
2031023 Event Fixed the issue that "Use relative time" does not work when "Force Initial Activating" is Invalid in Cycle trigger. (Target Version:V3.0.0 to V3.0.3 only)
2031024 Event Fixed the issue that writing to array tag in Json or CSV Difinition does not work properly in Write Value action.
2031025 Event, Management Fixed the issue that some functions may continue to operate due to failure while terminating process of main unit when the management and event is terminated or restarted.
2031026 ALL Responded to the vulnerability of OpenSSL (CVE-2022-0778).
2031027 Management Fixed the issue that the serial number was not displayed in the Information of Web UI when using the HW key. (Target model: DGW-D20 only)
2031028 Management Fixed the issue that the CPU Usage(%) is not displayed on the Information of WebUI. (Target Model: DGW-C10/F20/L30, Target Version: V3.0.0 to V3.0.3 only)
2031029 IoT Interface Fixed the issue that the runtime does not start when saving the settings while connecting from the FTP client in the FTP Service (server function).


V3.0.3 - 2022 January

New Function

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Release No Target Contents
2030101 Event Added the action "Sleep" that waits for the specified time processing in the event action.
2030102 Event Added the action "Refresh" that reads the value of tags specified in the event action and updates it.
2030103 Event Added the action "Shutdown" that can shut down the DeviceGateway in the event action.
2030104 IoT Interface Supports MQTT protocol with "api-version = 2018-06-30" specified in Azure IoT Hub connection for MQTT communication.

Improved Function

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Release No Target Contents
2030111 Data Source Changed the initial value of tag's quality from 'BadWaitingForInitialData' to 'Good' in FANUC DPRNT communication.
2030112 Data Source Supports writing to the property "PresentValue" of the object "BinaryValue" and "AnalogValue" in BACnet Ethernet.

Bug Fix

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Release No Target Contents
2030121 Data Source Fixed the problem that the array size of Bool Array tag for bit device (MB/IB) becomes wrong size, in Memobus Ethernet.
2030122 Data Source Fixed the problem that the "Attribution" choices are not changed when the "Property" is changed on the tag setting screen of BACnet Ethernet.
2030123 Data Source Fixed the problem that DI tag is not created in the Internal I/O and the problem that AI value cannot be acquired correctly. (Target Model: DGW-F20 Target Version: V3.0.0 to V3.0.1 only)
2030124 Management Fixed the problem that when exporting and importing in backup (CSV format), the "Analyzing Count" is shifted to the "Element Path To Analyze1" of the Get Json Element action setting, and the values after the "Element Path To Analyze3" are shifted after the "Element Path To Analyze2". (Target Version: V3.0.0 to V3.0.1 only)
2030125 Management Fixed the problem that the specified DNS setting is not reflected when a fixed IP address is specified for both ETHER0 and ETHER1. (Target Model: DGW-C10/F20/L30 Target Version: V3.0.0 to V3.0.1 only)
2030126 Management Fixed the problem that communication is not possible when ETHER0 and ETHER1 are set to the same network. (Target Model: DGW-C10/F20/L30 Target Version: V3.0.0 to V3.0.1 only)
2030127 IoT Interface Fixed the problem that the connection is rejected in the transfer mode "PASSIVE" in the FTP service. (Target Model: DGW-C10/F20/L30 Target Version: V3.0.0 to V3.0.1 only)


V3.0.1 - 2021 October

Improved Function

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Release No Target Contents
2030081 IoT Interface Changed the behavior that the StatusChanged event always to be sent even when Measurement Point "Abnormal:D3" recoveries, by adding the setting for choosing the behavior, in the cyclic communication of the Water Supply Standard Platform cooperating function.
2030082 IoT Interface Added the way to specify the Measurement Point Definition by the file, in the Water Supply Standard Platform cooperating function.

Bug Fix

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Release No Target Contents
2030091 ALL Fixed the vulnerability of OpenSSL(CVE-2021-3711 / CVE-2021-3712).
2030092 Data Source Fixed the problem that caused an error when displaying a tag list or monitoring on the WebUI. (Target Model: DGW-D20 only)
2030093 Event Fixed the problem that incorrect value is output when long type is specified in the character string processing action. (Target Model: DGW-D20 x86_64 only)
2030094 IoT Interface Fixed the problem that the StatusChanged event is sent when the value changed, in the cyclic communication of the Water Supply Standard Platform cooperating function.
2030095 IoT Interface Fixed the problem that Water Supply Standard Platform cooperation setting is not imported and invalid SQL client setting is created, because of incorrect CSV exporting behavior.
2030096 IoT Interface Fixed the problem that adding MIB library to SNMP agent fails. (Target Model: DGW-C10/F20/L30 Target Version: V3.0.0 only)
2030097 IoT Interface Fixed the problem that "Keep Alive Interval" was not reflected correctly in MQTT communication. (Target Version: V2.3.0 to V3.0.0)
2030098 IoT Interface Fixed the problem that the FTP service could not be started. (Target Model: DGW-C10/F20/L30/W710 Target Version: V3.0.0 only).


V3.0.0 - 2021 May

New Function

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Release No Target Contents
2030001 Data Source Added MITSUBISHI EDM Ethernet connection. Support communication with wire electric discharge machine (MV/MP/MX/NA/BA/PA/FA/QA), die-sinking electric discharge machine (SV-P/EA/MA2000/VS), small hole electric discharge machine (SH/VH).
2030002 Data Source Added Shibaura Machine Ethernet connection and Shibaura Machine Serial connection. Support communication with TOSNUC(T-PX200/T-PX100/T-999/T-888)、TCmini(TC9/TC7/TC6/TC5/TC3).
2030003 Data Source Added YAMAHA Robot Ethernet connection. Support communication with Robot Controller (RCX) and Robot Emulator (RCX-Studio).
2030004 Data Source Added IAI X-SEL Serial connection. Support communication with robot controller (RSEL/X-SEL/TT/SSEL/ASEL/PSEL/MSEL).
2030005 Data Source Added General Electric GE Serial connection. Support communication with GE 90-30 series.
2030006 Data Source Added EtherNet/IP connection. Support communication with OMRON status monitoring device(K6CM/K6PM), Sanyo Denki Motion Controller(SANMOTION C), KEYENCE PLC(KV-8000) and PHOENIX CONTACT Remote I/O(AXL F BK/AXL E).
2030007 Data Source Supported communication with OMRON condition monitoring device (K6CM) and OMRON power supply unit(S8VK-X) in Modbus Ethernet connection.
2030008 Data Source Supported communication with Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems HIDIC HX series in Modbus Ethernet connection.
2030009 Data Source Supported communication with MTT remote I/O (Alchis) in Modbus Ethernet connection.
2030010 Data Source Supported communication with PHOENIX CONTACT Remote I/O (AXL F BK) on Modbus Ethernet connection.
2030011 Data Source Supported communication with IAI Positioner(ACON / DCON / PCON / SCON) in Modbus Serial connection.
2030012 Data Source Supported communication with M-System Remote I/O (R1/R8/TC10) in Modbus Serial connection.
2030013 Data Source Supported communication with Mitsubishi Electric wire electric discharge machine (MV/MP/MX/NA/BA/PA/FA/QA), die-sinking electric discharge machine (SV-P/EA/MA2000/VS), small hole electric discharge machine (SH/VH) in MTConnect connection.
2030014 Data Source Supported communication with Silex Technology Protocol Converter FBR-100AN in MT Connect connection.
2030015 Data Source Supported communication with SIEMENS S7-200 series in SIMATIC Ethernet connection.
2030016 Data Source Supported BACnetStatusFlags, BACnetEventTransitionBits, and BACnetLimitEnable properties on BACnet Ethernet connection.
2030017 Data Source Added browsing function of tag address in AB Ethernet connection.
2030018 Data Source Supported communication with KEYENCE KV-8000 series in KV Ethernet connection.
2030019 Data Source Supported communication with Fuji Electric SPH5000 series in MICREX Ethernet connection.
2030020 Data Source Supported communication with Panasonic FP0H series in FP Ethernet connection.
2030021 Data Source Supported communication with Yokogawa Electric e-RT3 series in FA-M3 Ethernet connection.
2030022 Data Source Supported communication with JTEKT TOYOPUC-Plus series in TOYOPUC Ethernet connection.
2030023 Data Source Supported communication with OMRON environmental sensor in Beacon Receiever connection.
2030024 Data Source Supported communication with ABLIC Batteryless Leakage Sensor (CLEAN-Boost) in Beacon Receiever connection.
2030025 Data Source Supported communication with SIRC angle sensor for mechanical meter in Beacon Receiever connection.
2030026 IoT Interface Added ROPC authorization of OAuth2.0 in the HTTP communication.
2030027 IoT Interface Added Water Standard Platform communication function.
2030028 Event Added Make Message action.

Improved Function

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Release No Target Contents
2030031 Event Changed to allow empty string for constant value of compare text action.
2030032 Event Supports multiple tags for Write Value actions.
2030033 Event Added a setting whether activates at an initial timing forcely into the Cycle trigger.
2030034 Event Supports arrays with Calculate actions.
2030035 Event Improved the Get Json Element action (support for multiple analysis element paths, allow null value, allow unknown path, specify value when error is allowed).
2030036 Management Added outputting logs of WebUI operation.
2030037 Management Added the function that pronpts changing an initial password.
2030038 IoT Interface Supports OPC UA security policies Aes128Sha256RsaOaep and Aes256Sha256RsaPss.
2030039 IoT Interface Added a setting item to specify the validity period of the certificate automatically created by the OPC UA server function.
2030040 IoT Interface Changed HULFT IoT Agent to Ver2.2, and the initial firmware to the Region version in which HULFT encryption.

Bug Fix

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Release No Target Contents
2030051 Event Fixed the problem that nowLocal macro outputs UTC value when UNIX time format was specified in actions of event function.
2030052 Event Fixed the problem that the detected value is returned without an error even if the actual hierarchy is short for the specified path in the Get Json Element action.
2030053 Event Fixed the problem that the file transfer and create target directory functions of the FTP Upload action would not work on some FTP servers.
2030054 Data Source Fixed the problem that Send Delay could not be changed from zero about ModbusSerial propety.
2030055 Data Source Fixed the problem that SIMATIC Ethernet can select other than ReadOnly for the PI attribute of read-only devices.
2030056 Data Source Fixed the problem that message size error may occur when connecting to JW-30H/20H in Satellite Ethernet.
2030057 Data Source Fixed the problem that AT (RTM) value can not be acquired correctly in KV Ethernet.
2030058 Data Source Fixed the problem that the DO value is changed to the initial value when saving the setting.
2030059 Data Source Fixed the problem that all elements become the value of the first element when the tags assigned to multiple elements are read at once for the same STRING array in AB Ethernet.
2030060 Data Source Fixed the problem that the writing process is successful even if the writing communication fails in AB Ethernet.
2030061 Data Source Fixed the problem that incorrect value might be written in writing process to the tag which assigned to the element other than 0 of the array tag in AB Ethernet.
2030062 Data Source Fixed the problem that BOOL array cannot be accessed by specifying element other than 0 or size 2 (DWORD unit) or more in AB Ethernet.
2030063 Data Source Fixed the problem that inappropriate value of DWORD size (32 bits) is written when writing value to BOOL array variable with tag setting which data type is BOOL of non-array in AB Ethernet.
2030064 Management Fixed the problem that the default gateway got by DHCP had priority over specified by manually in using DHCP.
2030065 Management Fixed the problem that file access errors were not reflected in the LED status and system status.
2030066 Management Fixed the problem that can not connect with some SIMs (SORACOM IoT SIM plan-K, etc.).
2030067 Management Fixed the problem that the runtime may not work when the Eth0 port is set to DHCP on DGW-C10/F20/L30.
2030068 Management Fixed the problem that the specified DNS setting does not work when both ports are set to fixed IP on DGW-W710.
2030069 IoT Interface Fixed the problem that the OID of the value in the trap message of SNMP communication was an incorrect ID.
2030070 IoT Interface Fixed the problem that the LED Statsu of SNMP is different from the LED state of the actual machine.
2030071 IoT Interface Fixed the problem that user name authentication cannot be performed for OPC UA server.

Limitations of DGW-C10 / DGW-F20 / DGW-L30

Products with Ver2 or earlier at the time of shipment cannot be upgraded to Ver3.
Products with Ver3 at the time of shipment can be downgraded to Ver2 by using firmware which is downgrade permission version.

V2.3.0 - 2020 April

New Function

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Release No Target Contents
2023001 Event Added system information to OPC UA and event macros.
2023002 Management Added firewall receive permission settings.
2023004 Lineup Docker version “DGW-D20” released.
2023006 Lineup Safety standards compliant model "DGW-W710" Released (June 2020). 

Improved Function

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Release No Target Contents
2023011 Data Source Added support for receiving Broadcast type advertising data at Beacon Receiver.
2023012 Data Source Added configuration and status of reception timeout to Beacon Receiver.
2023013 Data Source Expanded the number of filters from 8 to 20 in Beacon Receiver.
2023014 IoT Interface Added KeepAlive interval specification in MQTT settings.

Bug Fix

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Release No Target Contents
2023021 Data Source Fixed the problem that TCP communication with TOYOPUC might not recover.
2023022 Data Source Fixed issue with offset and data size not being applied when copying tags in Beacon Receiver.
2023023 Event Fixed the phenomenon that a huge integer value is garbled with Json acquisition action.

V2.2.0 - 2019 June

New Function

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Release No Target Contents
2020250 Data Source Added the function to communicate with SYSMAC NJ/NX series via EtherNet/IP
2020251 Data Source Added the function to communicate with Mitsubishi CNC via DPRNT Serial communication.
2020252 Data Source Added the function to communicate with Machine Tools of each vender via open protocol MTConnect. (e.g. comartible with Mitsbubishi MV D-CUBES, Mazak INTEGREX series etc)
2020253 Data Source Added the "Beacon Receiver" which supplies functionality of receiving advertising data from Bluetooth Beacon as a new Datasource.
2020254 Data Source Added the "Virtual Serial Communication" function which make serial communication Bluetooth wireless via DeviceAdapter. (Target: All serial Datasource. MELEC Serial, SYSMAC Serial, MODBUS Serial, FANUC DPRNT, Mitsubishi CNC DPRNT and UserProtocol.)
2020260 IoT Interface Added the SNMP Agent function.
2020261 IoT Interface Added the compatibility that communicates with Microsoft Azure IoT Hub into IoT Interface "MQTT Client" to simplify configuration.
2020262 IoT Interface Added the compatibility that communicates with Google Cloud IoT Core into IoT Interface "MQTT Client".
2020263 IoT Interface Added new IoT Interface to communicate with SIEMENS MindSphere.
2020264 IoT Interface Added the compatibility that communicates with MotionBoard Cloud into IoT Interface "WingArc1st MotionBoard Communication" function.
2020265 IoT Interface Added the function to register and manage the Bluetooth communication with DeviceAdapter.
2020270 Event Added Sned MindSphere action.
2020271 Event Added Make Beacon List action.

Improved Function

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Release No Target Contents
2020281 Data Source Changed outputting format for the value of BOOL tag for the making consistent.
2020282 Data Source Removed the function of ECHONET Lite client and server.
2020283 Management Added the functionality which is able to sort items in the list by drag and drop operation i the WebUI.

Bug Fix

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Release No Target Contents
2020290 Data Source Fixed the problem that it can not recover with Bind Error after disconnection in using static IP address for Adapter IP Address of Datasource.
2020291 Data Source Fixed the problem that retry may not work in communicating with Datasources. (only for Ver2.1.4).
2020292 Data Source Fixed the problem that trying the reading even if opening process was failed in communicating with Rockwell AB.
2020293 Data Source Fixed the problem the value becomes invalid for the writing to array tag which has many elements in communicating with Rockwell AB.
2020294 Data Source Fixed the problem that the writing into array tag failures by the incorrect calculation for the data size in the communicating with Rockwell AB.
2020295 Data Source Fixed the problem that unsupported data type(Array of String) is able to be set in the tag property of Rockwell AB.
2020300 Data Source Fixed the problem that the Upload File is not made even if occurring the Character Code Error in data receiving from CNC if no data was received before now in this receiving about the FANUC CNC communication.
2020301 Management Fixed the problem that some user configurations may not imported in CSV import.

V2.1.4 - 2019 March

New Function

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Release No Target Contents
2020230 Data Source Added the function of Transferring(Upload/Download) NC Program for FANUC DPRNT communication.
2020231 IoT Interface Added the function of FTP Server.
2020232 IoT Interface Supported the BI Dashboard "MotionBoard " of WingArc 1st Inc.

Improved Function

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Release No Target Contents
2020235 Data Source Improved the simultaneity of values for each tags which were communicated in the same packet when the values are referenced by other functions.

Bug Fix

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Release No Target Contents
2020240 Data Source Improved the communication performance in using string tag.
2020241 Data Source Imporoved the cpu load in communicating with datasources.
2020242 Data Source Fixed the problem that communicate is failed with Rockwell AB because CTM and RPI are not applied.
2020243 Data Source Fixed the problem the status does not change after timeout error with Rockwell AB.

V2.1.3 - 2018 November

Bug Fix

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Release No Target Contents
2020220 Event Fixed the problem that Write File action makes the file which has size zero and the event go next actions when using SD card which does not have enough space.
2020221 IoT Interface Fixed the problem that the list of topic name is increased continuously when message is published by different topic name every time.
2020222 IoT Interface Fixed the problem that "File does not exist" error may occur in spite of target file exists in processing Send MQTT/Kinesis/FTP actions.
2020223 IoT Interface Fixed the problem that Send-FTP action makes this event freeze when it detects the file which has size zero.
2020224 Management Fixed the problem that replying packets are sent from always one side of NICs when ETHER0 and ETHER1 are assigned same network address.

V2.1.2 - 2018 September

New Function

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Release No Target Contents
2020180 IoT Interface OPC UA Certified (Embedded UA Server Profile)

Improved Function

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Release No Target Contents
2020181 Event Expanded the number of actions from 32 to 64.
2020182 Event Modified the showing of execution time in the Event summary.
2020183 Event Added "Element count" parameter to Get CSV Element.
2020184 Event Added the function for avoid waiting resonse in Write File action.
2020185 Event Added the "Continue event if failed" parameter and added the "Result" into Event Context. in Send SQL action.
2020186 Event Expanded the "Result tag count" parameter from 10 to 40 for Select query in Send SQL action.
2020187 Event Added the function to specify digits of zero-supply for outputting by hexadecimal in Reshape Array Elements action.
2020188 IoT Interface Added the function which the description of tag node for OPC UA shows the comment of tag.
2020189 IoT Interface Added the function which specify MQTT version in MQTT communication setting.
2020190 IoT Interface Changed to judge success code other than 200 as success, in HTTP communication.
2020192 IoT Interface Removed some NamespaceIndexs which were not needed about OPC UA server function. Therefore the NamespaceIndex of "" was changed to 2 from 4.
2020191 Management Added the function to configure the time for updating H/W clock.

Bug Fix

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Release No Target Contents
2020195 Data Source Fixed the problem the number of datasource and directories are counted as limit of tag count.
2020196 Event Fixed the problem that the runtime may be stopped if using triggers which is type of "Changed".
2020197 Event Fixed the problem that the any error messages are not outputted into last error in Event summary when the action was failed.
2020198 Event Fixed the problem that any log messages are not outputed even if that parsing was failed in Get Json action.
2020199 Event Fixed the problem that parsing is failed if the root of Json is array, in Get Json action.
2020200 Event Fixed the problem that action fails by trying to acquire a null node in Get Json action.
2020201 Event Fixed the problem that the runtime is stopped when big text(more than 65535 characters) was sent with specifying "Shift-JIS" into "Character code" parameter, in Write File action and Send FTP action.
2020202 Event Fixed the problem that files are deleted after 1 more day than "File Save Day" parameter in Delete Files action.
2020203 Event Fixed the problem that Zero is written into "Target tag to write" always when the tag which is type of Boolean was specified as the value, in Write Value action.
2020204 Event Fixed the problem that the processing is succeeded even if the writing was failed, in Write Value action and Send SQL action.
2020205 Event Fixed the problem that watch-dog error occurs even if "Response Timeout" parameter was be set zero in Send SQL action. (zero means wait endless)
2020206 Event Fixed the problem that the Json root of "Received message" Event Context of Send SQL becomes array node.
2020207 IoT Interface Fixed the problem that "Last communication error" is not cleared even if the eraser button was clicked, in summary view of HTTP/SQL/Kinesis communication.
2020208 IoT Interface Fixed the problem the doing retry even in response message which does not need retry, when using "Retry infinitely until successfully complete" parameter in HTTP/SQL/Kinesis communications.
2020209 IoT Interface Fixed the problem the doing retry high frequently by ignoring "Retry Interval" parameter when "Retry infinitely until successfully complete" was enabled, in HTTP/SQL/Kinesis communications.
2020210 IoT Interface Fix the problem that ServerNameIndication (SNI) is not properly set and Bad Response (400) occurs in HTTPS communication.
2020211 IoT Interface Fixed the problem that MQTT communication does not recover from disconnection by publishing message which is more than QoS 1.
2020212 IoT Interface Fixed the problem communicating with timeout which is fixed to 30 seconds, in FTP communication.
2020213 IoT Interface Fixed the problem the values are able to be written by users which are invalidated writing value via OPC UA.
2020214 Whole Fixed the problem that CPU usage is rised temporarily every minute.

V2.1.1 - 2017 October

New Function

* You can scroll this table sideways.

Release No Target Contents
2020130 Data Source Added function to communicate with Mitsubishi PLC "MELSEC series" via serial.
2020131 Data Source Added function to communicate with OMRON PLC "SYSMAC series" via serial.
2020132 Data Source Added function to communicate with Modbus devices via serial.
2020133 Data Source Supported the multi dropped link of serial communication.
2020134 Event Added Area Changed Value trigger.
2020135 Event Added Move File action.
2020136 Event Added Get File Count action.
2020137 Event Added Output Log Message action.
2020138 IoT Interface Supported the job execution function of HULFT IoT.
2020139 Management Added the function which shows CPU load.

Improved Function

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Release No Target Contents
2020150 Data Source Supported batch access (ReadPropertyMultiple/WritePropertyMultiple) of BACnet.
2020151 Event Expanded the type of compareing method of Compare Text action.
2020152 Event Added the function which specifies new line code for send message of Send MQTT action and Send HTTP action.
2020153 Event Added the function of macro for topic name of Send MQTT action.
2020154 Event Added the function which makes destination directory automatically when it is not found in FTP Upload action.
2020155 Event Added the function which specifies seconds unit for save term of Delete Files action.
2020156 Event Expanded the maxmum number of loops of Loop action from 100 to 8192.
2020157 Event Expanded the maxmum number of files at file page of WebGUI from 100 to 8192.
2020158 Event Added the detail parameter to adjust performance of actions.
2020159 IoT Interface Updated HULFT IoT Agent to Ver1.3.
2020160 IoT Interface Supported the way which connects without validating server certificate in HTTP/Kinesis/SQL communication.
2020161 IoT Interface Changed to be able to use space in HTTP header.
2020162 Management Expanded patterns of subnet mask for LAN setting.
2020163 Management Supported multiple downloading at file page of WebGUI.
2020164 Whole Improved the overall performance.

Bug Fix

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Release No Target Contents
2020170 Data Source Fixed the problem that BadCommunicationError is occurred requently for the array tag in MELSEC/SYSMAC/SIMATIC Ethernet communication.
2020171 Data Source Fixed the problem that CPU load increase by ccontinueing receiving data(PrintOutputQueue) when any OPC clients does not read PrintOutput node.
2020172 Data Source Fixed the problem that registers which is for other CPU type are shown at tag setting for TOSHIBA PLC.
2020173 Data Source Fixed the problem that the writing into some properties in BACnet communication is failed.
2020174 Event Fixed the problem that the figures in the mantissa part are rounded to six digits as to the processing result of the Calculate action.
2020175 Event Fixed the problem that error is occurred in running when nested loops are made.
2020176 IoT Interface Fixed the problem that the runtime may be stopped when OPC UA client calls read service.
2020177 IoT Interface Fixed the problem that BadNodeIdUnknown error is returned when the OPC client browses folder nodes.
2020178 IoT Interface Fixed the problem that the runtime is stopped when private key of client is invalid in communicating MQTT over TLS.
2020179 IoT Interface Fixed the problem that the CPU load increases when the connection setting is incorrect for Kinesis.

V2.0.3 - 2017 August

Improved Function

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Release No Target Contents
2020110 IoT Interface Support TCP/IP KeepAlive in OPC UA Server interface.

Bug Fix

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Release No Target Contents
2020120 Whole Fixed the problem that CPU Usage might rise temporarily at AM6:25.
2020121 Management Fixed the problem that DeviceGateway of the shipment state doesn't return reply of PING.
2020122 Event Fixed the problem that TIME macro might not be able to get correct time in event function.
2020123 Data Source Fixed the problem that comma is outputed doubly into printOutput node in FANUC DPRNT communication.

V2.0.2 - 2017 June

Bug Fix

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Release No Target Contents
2020100 Data Source Fixed the problem that the runtime is stopped when tag of array type was created in using simulation mode.

V2.0.1 - 2017 April

New Function

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Release No Target Contents
2020002 Line Up Released "DGW-C10" which is compact and corresponds to international safety standards CE.